We want our Trinity kids, youth, and teens to feel safe, comfortable, and affirmed. We believe that once they feel loved for who they are, they will discover their whole and holy selves. It is our privilege to be a part of their spiritual journey. These are the principles we want all Trinity children and youth to know and learn with us.

First and foremost:

You are loved. We believe all love is God’s love. The foundation of our educational program is for our children and youth to know they are loved.


Church is a place of fun, friendship, and togetherness. We want kids to gain a sense of community and feel valued as an integral part of our church family. We think this happens when they want to come to church. Our spiritual lives deepen through loving relationships. We work at building friendships and community through joyful play and discovery.


Divinity is everywhere. Our kids will practice creation spirituality, knowing that God permeates all things and that they, like all of humanity, are created blessed.  We will celebrate the divine mystery in all of creation.

The Bible has wonderful stories. So do a lot of other sacred texts. Our kids will be grounded in a Christian narrative that is inclusive, non-patriarchal, and non-shaming. We want our children to learn the value of the Bible’s messages by critically thinking about the stories in a developmentally appropriate way.  We also believe other faith traditions teach us valuable messages and give us greater respect and appreciation for people who may have different beliefs from our own.

In our educational programming we are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We believe we can connect to our children by not only honoring their cultures, experiences, and backgrounds but also by helping them see the value in the experiences of others. We make a deliberate effort to provide a mirror for our kids to see themselves as well as a window for them to see everybody else. In doing this, they develop both self-awareness and empathy.

Jesus was committed to social justice. Social justice is a big deal at Trinity! We think it is important for people of all ages to have pathways to make our world a better place. We think the teachings and mission of Jesus offer our kids a great place to start. We hope our kids see Jesus not as so much as a savior, but as a liberator to model themselves after. Kids and adults alike, every person at Trinity strives to become a co-creator of justice every day.